Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Notes for Chapter 13 Section 4

- Alfred The Great ..development of the Anglo-Saxons.
- Edward the Confessor- last Anglo- Saxon king- he had no direct heir.
- Battle of Hastings ..1066.
- The people wanted Edward's brother to be the king.
- William defeats Harold in the battle.
- William is given the title William the Conqueror after defeating Harold.
- William starts to collect taxes thorugh a census.. was first since ancient rome time to collect census.
- Shires collected the money.
- They recorded the information in the domesday book.
- They nicknamed it the doomsday back.
- Henry the first succeeded his father.
- Henry II succeeded Henry the first.
- Henry II was the king and Thomas Becket was his best friend. They got into an argument and Thomas left. Henry II's knights were eavesdropping on him and heard him say that he wishes taht Thomas Becket would die. Henry II's knights follow Thomas to a church and stab him to death as he is praying at the alter.
- Henry II's son, John succeeds him.
- John tried to tax the people heavily in order to compensate.
- The people meet at Runny Mead and conspire to fight against John.
- John was forced to sign the Magna Carta.
- The Magna Carta gave the people alot of rights like; John couldn't collect any new or special taxes without the consent of the Great Council, take property without paying for it, sell, refuse, or delay justice, and it said that an accused person will be judged by a jury of his or her peers.

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