Monday, January 30, 2012

The Crusades.

Chapter 14 Section 1 Notes:
-During the late 1000s the Seljuq Turks gained control of Palenstine (The '"Holy Land" to Christians, Jews, and Muslims)
Urban II- pope called for help from Byzantine Empire. Met in Clermont, Fracnce with church leaders and feudal lords.
The Crusades-
a series of military expeditions to regain the Holy Land. Crusaders sewed a cross of cloth on their clothes, 10,000 of Europeans. (cruciata means "marked with a cross")
went to save their souls, gain land and wealth, or make money.
The First Crusade=
lasted from 1096 to 1099. Led serveral armies of crusaders from Europe to Constantinople. They wpre heavy garents, lacked food and waters. Despite this, the forged on to capture Antioch. As they arrived to Jerusalem they have a series of vicious battles, and the crusades captured Jerusalem. In the massacre, the slaughtered its Muslim and Jewish inhabitants. Brought much of the Holy Land under Euro. control. Introduced the idea of feudalism.
-For almost 100 years European Christians held onto Palestine. Turks slowly won it back.
The Second Crusade=
1146 the Turks united their forces. In 1147 the Second Crusade began. King Lous VII of France and German king Conrad III led seperate armies across Europe, joined forces at Damascus. They failed to recapture the city though, returned in disgrace in 1149.
The Third Crusade=
1187 Muslim Leader Saladun gained control of Jerusalem. Holy Roman Frederick Barbosa, King Philip II and King Richard I led seperate armies. Lasted 1189-1192, failed. Richard and Sladin made a truce, allowed Christians to enter Jerusalem freely.
The Fourth Crusade=
Pope Innocent III gathered french knights in 1202. Ship, Venecians, Zadar.
In 1204 crusaders attacked Constantinople, was under control for 60 years. The Byzantine Empire collapsed when the Turks seized Constantinopl ein 1453.
Other Crusades=
In 1212 the Children's Crusade took place. Marching to the holy land, young people from across Europe decided to reagain it for Christian Europe.
-Lacked adequate training, equipment, and supplies. by the time they reached the Mediterranean coast, the army of childrens was hungry, disorganized.
-pope sent some of them back home, and others reached southern France, where they were tricked into boarding ships that carried them off to slavery instead of to the Holy Land. Several thousands of children were lost in the course of this tragedy.
-European crusaders tried to recapture the Holy Land for many years, and the crusades continued until 1291. This was when the Muslims captured the city of Acre (last Christian stronghold in the Holy Land), but with its fall, the crusades ended.
Results of the Crusades=
-goal of the crusades was to take the Holy land from the Turks. All failed except the first one. In the end, the Muslims controlled Palestine, During the crusades, the weapon of choice was usually the crossbow.
-brought about new weapon, like: catapults and how to undermine walls, and also gunpowder. Since many lords sold their land, leaving them with no power, which left the European kings growing stronger. This led them to place taxes and lead armies drawn from their entire country.
-Christian church became more important & the role of the Pope.

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