Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Notes on Presentations for Christmas in Different Countries.

Ecuador- have christmas beauty pageants, put two large dolls under christmas tree, give house tours nine days before christmas.

Egypt- celabrated on 7th of January, churches and christian homes decorated with christmas trees, lights, and small mangers, well respected by muslims

Russia- celebrated on January 7th, give each other presents, similar to U.S.

El Salvador- Rich donate money to the poor, have lots of plays, put baby Jesus figure under Christmas tree after dinner.

India- two hour ceremony at churches, burn salt in shoes so gifts dont get stolen, Sacrifice a goat to represent freedom and holyness.

Russia- special prayers are said, called religious festival, gather in churches to celebrate

Japan- introduced by europeans  in 16th century, no presents under tree, use small trees.

France- put their shoes in front of their fireplaces, celebrate le Revellion, a yule log made of Cherry Wood is burned.

Morocco- have Ramadan, Ramadan is celebrated for a month, children pregnant women, and the ill are exempt from the holiday.

Maagascar- holly,robins, and snow are common decorations, family eat together in large group and dress up in their best clothes, their services are 5 pm until after midnight.

Italy- December 24th to January 6th, lights trees and decorations have not been popular until recently, eat a meatless dinner on Christmas Eve

Peru- Nocha Buena, eat turkey and apple sauce, gifts under tree brought by "Santa Claus"

Canada- like America, After attending midnight mass, families may be served tourtiere or pork pie, have a feast.

Germany- Santa Claus doesn't come, can't eat junk food, if they aren't good, they recieve twigs.

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