Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Education in China.

    The different levels of education include basic education, occupational/polytechnic education, common higher education and adult education. Basic education is preschool through 12th grade. Occupational/ polytechnic education is where you find out what you like, want to do, and what you are good at. Common higher education is like college. Adult education is basically to get them more involved. A typical day for a student in China is exhausting. They usually have to wake up around 6:30 or 7:00. Class starts around 7:40. They have four or five morning classes. Each are forty to fifty minutes long. They have three or four afternoon classes. Each of those are also forty to fifty minutes long. Most students have extracurricular activities after school. Some include music lessons. After those activities, they either have a study hall or go home and do homework. They usually have a lot of homework. A typical student is up until midnight doing their homework. They are punished if their parents find them reading a book for entertainment. One way that the education is like education is the U.S. is that they both have education from grades preschool to 12th grade and college. It is different because China has occupational education and adult education. They are a lot more serious about education in China. I believe that is the reason that they are ahead. Students in America are not forced to study or do their homework. It is basically their own choice. In China, their choice is to do their work. They appreciate education more. 

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