Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions.

Agricultural: started in the 1600s in England. countries that make up British.. ? Scotland, Ireland, and England. most citizens were farmers. Subsistance farmer, grows crops for family, some trading in the market. Enclosure Movement- enclosed public lands with fences and limited who could farm these lands. carries on into the 1700s. farmers move into cities. overpopulated cities. new inventions. Jethro Tull thoguht that seed was being wasted by spreading it by hand so he created the seed drill. Charles Townsend copied a dutch idea called crop rotating.more workers in the city. Great Britain- alot of natural resources- two main, iron and coal, cotton.Great Britain- alot of water- transportation, power, food. disadvantage- floods, drought. Not all big cities had rovers running through them. Textile Industry- clothes. machines powered by water. one of the fist factories was a cotton and silk factory. Steam Engines. Steam is now being used as a source of power. Steam powered boats.

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