Monday, April 16, 2012


4-11-12 : I think that the baseball manager is wrong. He is killing his people.

4-12-12: I couldn't live without my phone. It makes communications so much easier and I am so used to just having it with me all the time.

4-16-12- cotton gin, because cotton is used for alot of different things.

4-24-12- I do not think that video games influenced him, I think he is making it up to try to cover up what he did.

4-25-12- What effects did developments in transportation and communication have on the spread of the Industrial Revolution? As the communication and transportation advanced, so did the Industrial Revolution.

How did the lives of women and children change during the revolution?
They had jobs.

How and why did methods of production change during the industrial revolution?
New inventions were being made.

How did the increase use of machinery affect workers and working conditions?
They didn't need as many workers so less people had jobs.

How did inventions in the textile industry lead to other new inventions?
They gave people ideas for better machines.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

write resolution: 20- 25 lines , numbered. (on topic)

visual aid

question comment ammendment

willl the author yield to a question

comment: _____ speaks out in favor.. or opposition to this resolution

ammendment: _____proposes an ammendment.

15 questions comments or ammendments