Thursday, December 15, 2011


     Augustus was born on September 23rd 63 BC. He is considered the first emperor of the Roman Empire. He ruled it alone from 27 BC until death. His name at birth was Gaius Octavius Thurinus. His great-uncle Gaius Julius Caesar adopted him and changed his name to Gaius Julius Caesar.

     The senate named him Augustus, which means the revered one. This made him Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus although, it is common to call him Octavius. He joined forces with Mark Antony and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus in the Second Triumvirate. He ruled Rome and many of its provinces. This military dictatorship was eventually torn down. 

     After it ended, he regained power over the Roman Republic. He had a wide variety of powers that he had for life. The Senate granted him those powers. There was an era called Pax Romana which means Roman Peace. They remained at peace for more than two centuries.

     He enlarged the empire dramatically. He annexed Egypt, Dalmatia, Pannonia, and Raetia. He expanded possessions in Africa. Also, he completed the conquest of Hispania. The empire was secured with client states.

     Augustus wrote a record of all of his accomplishments. It was titled Res Gestae Divi Augusti. The senate declared him a god which is to be worshipped by Romans. The month August was named after him. His death was in AD 14. 



Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Education in China.

    The different levels of education include basic education, occupational/polytechnic education, common higher education and adult education. Basic education is preschool through 12th grade. Occupational/ polytechnic education is where you find out what you like, want to do, and what you are good at. Common higher education is like college. Adult education is basically to get them more involved. A typical day for a student in China is exhausting. They usually have to wake up around 6:30 or 7:00. Class starts around 7:40. They have four or five morning classes. Each are forty to fifty minutes long. They have three or four afternoon classes. Each of those are also forty to fifty minutes long. Most students have extracurricular activities after school. Some include music lessons. After those activities, they either have a study hall or go home and do homework. They usually have a lot of homework. A typical student is up until midnight doing their homework. They are punished if their parents find them reading a book for entertainment. One way that the education is like education is the U.S. is that they both have education from grades preschool to 12th grade and college. It is different because China has occupational education and adult education. They are a lot more serious about education in China. I believe that is the reason that they are ahead. Students in America are not forced to study or do their homework. It is basically their own choice. In China, their choice is to do their work. They appreciate education more. 

Notes on Presentations for Christmas in Different Countries.

Ecuador- have christmas beauty pageants, put two large dolls under christmas tree, give house tours nine days before christmas.

Egypt- celabrated on 7th of January, churches and christian homes decorated with christmas trees, lights, and small mangers, well respected by muslims

Russia- celebrated on January 7th, give each other presents, similar to U.S.

El Salvador- Rich donate money to the poor, have lots of plays, put baby Jesus figure under Christmas tree after dinner.

India- two hour ceremony at churches, burn salt in shoes so gifts dont get stolen, Sacrifice a goat to represent freedom and holyness.

Russia- special prayers are said, called religious festival, gather in churches to celebrate

Japan- introduced by europeans  in 16th century, no presents under tree, use small trees.

France- put their shoes in front of their fireplaces, celebrate le Revellion, a yule log made of Cherry Wood is burned.

Morocco- have Ramadan, Ramadan is celebrated for a month, children pregnant women, and the ill are exempt from the holiday.

Maagascar- holly,robins, and snow are common decorations, family eat together in large group and dress up in their best clothes, their services are 5 pm until after midnight.

Italy- December 24th to January 6th, lights trees and decorations have not been popular until recently, eat a meatless dinner on Christmas Eve

Peru- Nocha Buena, eat turkey and apple sauce, gifts under tree brought by "Santa Claus"

Canada- like America, After attending midnight mass, families may be served tourtiere or pork pie, have a feast.

Germany- Santa Claus doesn't come, can't eat junk food, if they aren't good, they recieve twigs.